7 Signs of a Stressed Out Girlfriend and What to Do About It

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Evelyn Carpenter

In your mind, the wedding dress must look fantastic, the menu must be exquisite and the wedding decor must make an impact. There are many pressures and self-imposed expectations on your big day, plus all the tasks, budgets and suppliers you have to balance.

Many brides enjoy every moment of this process, but others find themselves overwhelmed, especially in the run-up to exchanging their wedding rings. How do you know if you're stressed? Check out the following signs and take action before they work against you.

1. Trouble sleeping

It's one of the most frequent signs of stress and has to do with being in a constant state of alertness. In other words, you're under stress 24 hours a day, which makes it impossible for your mind to relax and get to sleep, and then, once you do, nerves prevent you from completing REM sleep, which provides hours of restorative sleep.

Solution Before going to bed, take a hot bath and then drink an infusion of valerian or passionflower, both of which are natural relaxants, so they will help induce sleep. At the very least, you'll get to stop thinking about your gold ring posture and all the earrings.

2. Persistent migraines

Migraine, which is a sharp, one-sided, throbbing headache, can last up to 72 hours with moderate to severe intensity. In addition, up to 80% of the cases is caused by stress. Nausea, sensitivity to sound, intolerance to light and eye pain are among the most common symptoms of this condition.

Solution : start practicing Yoga will be a good idea And this discipline works mind and body, freeing you from tension, oxygenating the brain and lowering blood pressure, among other benefits. On the other hand, avoid cigarettes, caffeine, and alcohol which are precipitating factors of headache.

3. Neck pain

The tension stiffens the cervical area, causing pain in the back of the neck, which spreads to the sides and even up to the nape of the neck. The highest part of the spinal column corresponds to the cervical spine, whose musculature becomes stiffer as a result of stress That is, it loses its flexibility and normal mobility.

Solution while the tension aggravates the cervical pain, relaxation is the best option to alleviate it. Therefore, the ideal is to practice every day about ten or fifteen minutes of meditation. Also, take care of your posture when you are in front of the computer and avoid spending many hours looking at your cell phone.

4. Upset stomach

The stomach is very sensitive to any emotional disturbance For this reason, if you're too overwhelmed between DIY wedding decorations and souvenirs, you may experience heartburn, constipation, food intolerance, nausea or diarrhea, among other conditions. You may also experience drastic weight gain or loss in a short period of time.

Solution even if you have to force yourself to do it, don't skip any meals and always try to do them at the same time. Also, privilege light food, drink plenty of water On the other hand, it is recommended to drink anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic infusions, such as chamomile, lime blossom and mint.

5. Irritability

Another sign that comes with stress is a tendency to become easily irritated The worst thing is that this irritability will fall on your partner or on people who just want to collaborate with you in this process. If you get angry about everything, feel defensive, cry more than usual, and are even unhappy with the wedding cake you chose yourself, then start to take control of your temperament.now.

Solution Physical activity will help you to lower your irritability, as it will the body generates endorphins which produce a natural calming effect. Therefore, the advice is to practice some kind of sport every day, whether it's jogging, cycling, swimming or even dancing. This way you will keep those extreme emotions that will only cause you problems at bay.

6. Skin damage

The extra release of histamine, which is generated by stress Also, if you are prone to acne, you will secrete more oil from your skin and your pores are more likely to become clogged. Also, stress promotes wrinkles and dryness as it reduces the production of collagen and elastin.

Solution : the right thing to do would be go to the dermatologist to get a prescription for treatment probably based on antihistamines and some cream or lotion. For your part, keep your skin well hydrated and use products for sensitive skin. Also avoid applying make-up and above all do not manipulate the affected areas.

7. Decrease in libido

Finally, stress hormones also interfere directly with sex hormones, because they being under stress it is very difficult to awaken passion. And if a sexual encounter does take place, lack of concentration and inattention will probably make the experience very unsatisfying.

Solution : in addition to explain to your partner what you're going through For example, through massages with aphrodisiac oils, which, by the way, can be used to revive the fantasy and the sexual appetite, will force you to disconnect for a few hours from the organization of the marriage. The important thing is that you don't force yourself, but don't stop trying either.

Rather than looking for perfection, the ideal is to enjoy choosing the love phrases to include in the parties or decorating the bride and groom's glasses yourself. This way you will keep the best memories of the organization of your wedding and, at the same time, you will arrive at the big day in excellent health.

Evelyn Carpenter is the author of the best-selling book, All you need for your marriage. A Marriage guide. She has been married for over 25 years and has helped countless couples build successful marriages. Evelyn is a sought after speaker and relationship expert, and has been featured in various media outlets including Fox News, Huffington Post, and more.