Marriage between a Chilean and a person without documentation in Chile

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Evelyn Carpenter

S.A Marriages

The Civil Registry and Identification Service in Chile does not hinder the celebration of marriages between Chileans and foreigners without documentation. What are the requirements and steps to get married? If you are in this situation, solve all your doubts in the following article.

    What the law says

    According to Chilean law, what is required to celebrate the marriage is that both contracting parties prove their identity However, there is no rule requiring the presentation of the identity card for foreigners in order to proceed with the ceremony.

    In this way, it is sufficient that the person show your valid passport The civil officers are only empowered to verify the identity and legal age of the parties.

    Is it possible, then, a link between a Chilean and a person without documentation in Chile? The answer is yes The foreigner in an irregular situation can still get married.

    On the contrary, to prohibit a civil marriage between a Chilean and an irregular foreigner would be illegal, since there is no rule in the country that allows discrimination between Chileans and foreigners, in terms of the appropriate document to prove identity. And in this case, a valid passport is sufficient to access the legitimate right to marry in Chilean territory.national.

    Giovanni Taito

    Time reservation

    As in any marriage, the first step is to request an appointment This can be done at a Civil Registry office or through its web page (, entering with a Unique Code.

    You will first have to make an appointment for the Manifestation and then for the Celebration of Marriage, which may or may not be on the same day, but no more than 90 days should elapse between the two.

    And whether they request the time in person or online, the Chilean couple must have a valid identity card, while the foreign couple must have a valid identity card, with a valid passport in good condition Among the formalities for a marriage between a Chilean and a foreigner, this is the essential one.

    They will also ask for the information of at least two witnesses of legal age and the address where the marriage between a Chilean and a foreigner will take place, if not at the civil office.


    At both the Manifestation and the Ceremony of Marriage, the bride and groom and the bride and groom must be accompanied by two witnesses over 18 years of age. But these witnesses must have their identity cards up to date.

    In the Manifestation, which takes place at the Civil Registry Office, the future spouses inform the civil officer of their intention to marry, while the witnesses declare that the couple has no impediments or prohibitions to contract marriage. In the Celebration of Marriage, the witnesses -ideally the same as in the previous procedure-, will sign the nuptial act together with the bride and groom and the civil officer.civilian.

    And, on the other hand, if the foreigner does not speak Spanish, he/she will have to hire an interpreter at his/her own expense, with whom he/she must go to both the Manifestation and the Celebration of Marriage. The interpreter must be of legal age and have a valid identity card, or, if he/she is a foreigner, present his/her Chilean RUN, or a valid passport or identity card from his/her country of origin.

    Maria Bernadette

    The pros and cons

    Beyond showing a valid passport, the foreigner does not need to prove a specific length of stay in Chile. In that sense, getting married on national soil it is quite simple and unobtrusive This is one of the benefits of getting married in Chile as a foreigner.

    And even an immigrant with a deportation order can get married if he or she keeps his or her passport valid. However, that does not mean that his or her status will change after marriage.

    According to the new Law on Migration and Aliens Once out of the country, if they wish to return, they may apply for a visa at the Chilean consulates abroad, provided that they do not have a criminal record in Chile or measures to establish legal roots.

    But if they do not leave of their own free will, they will be exposed to expulsion, since the purpose is to discourage the use of unauthorized crossings, even after marrying a Chilean man or woman.

    However, the process is made easier as they will be able to apply for the family reunification visa which aims to reunite family members who are in different countries.

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    Obtain RUT and nationalization

    Finally, if you want to revert your undocumented status, in case you have entered Chile through an unauthorized passage, you will have to leave Chile and apply for a visa at your consulate. Only then, when you obtain the visa granted by the Department of Immigration and Migration, you will be able to obtain your RUT from your country of origin.

    Now, if they entered with a tourist visa and it expired without submitting an extension request, they will also be in an irregular migratory condition, and in that case, they will have to pay a fine at the Department of Foreigners and Immigration, and then leave the country within 10 days.

    Or, if they plan to stay, they will have to pay the fine and apply for a residence visa in Chile within 10 days from the date of payment. Once obtained, they can then proceed to process their RUT.

    However, if the objective is to naturalize, foreigners of legal age and who have lived in Chile for more than five years may do so through a letter of nationalization .

    But among the requirements to obtain nationalization in Chile must comply with an administrative procedure, such as holding a valid permanent residence permit and presenting a current certificate from the Internal Revenue Service.

    Without losing the nationality of origin, obtaining Chilean nationality provides benefits such as participating in civic elections or running for public office.

    Beyond the specific situation of each couple, they now know that they will be able to get married in Chile without any inconvenience. They will only need their valid identification documents, and two witnesses for the Manifestation and the Celebration of the marriage.

    Evelyn Carpenter is the author of the best-selling book, All you need for your marriage. A Marriage guide. She has been married for over 25 years and has helped countless couples build successful marriages. Evelyn is a sought after speaker and relationship expert, and has been featured in various media outlets including Fox News, Huffington Post, and more.