8 tips for managing nerves and anxiety before marriage

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Evelyn Carpenter

Erick Severeyn

When you are getting closer and closer to your wedding, your nerves and anxiety will be on the rise. As you fine tune all the details, you will feel that time is running out, you will be irritable and you will not want to know anything else. This is the opposite of what a process as emotional as the walk down the aisle should be. How can you prevent stress from working against you? Check out the following tips and begin topractice them today.

1. Delegate tasks

Since there are many responsibilities to fulfill and decisions to make in the face of marriage, ask for help from your family or closest friends They will be reassured to know that they have a support network and that their burden will be lightened.

2. Be orderly

A jumble of information will only cause you more stress, so try to be as structured as possible. At least when it comes to keep a complete record of contracts, payments, deadlines, and pending Whether you use the Matrimonios.cl App or a physical agenda, it will help you to keep track of your progress, so that in the days leading up to the wedding you will know when and at what time you are scheduled to pick up your wardrobe and you won't get confused with other equally important formalities.

3. Eat well

Nerves and anxiety can cause your food intake to increase, or decrease. Either way it is negative, especially if it is accompanied by an increase in the consumption of stimulants such as coffee, tea, cola or alcohol. Therefore, what is advised is to maintain the four to five meals a day and incorporate some nutrients that will help them feel calmer.

Lean meats, fish, eggs, legumes and nuts, for example, provide tryptophan, an essential amino acid that helps to increase the synthesis of serotonin and, therefore, is an effective antidepressant, relaxing and anxiolytic. Magnesium, meanwhile, also enhances the release of serotonin, which is found in green leafy vegetables,It is known as an anti-stress mineral, as it relaxes the muscles and keeps the cardiovascular rhythm at bay.

4. Exercise

Another infallible tip to control your nerves is to practice some sport or exercise. And it is that physical activity triggers the secretion of endorphins Therefore, in addition to staying in shape by training constantly, among the many benefits it brings to health, you will be much more relaxed, cheerful, motivated and energetic. The ideal is to practice exercises for 20 to 30 minutes, at least three times a week and hopefully in the morning and not before going to sleep.

5. Get enough sleep

Even if nerves make it difficult for them to fall asleep, due to being in a constant state of alertness, force yourself to get the recommended hours of sleep This way they will wake up rested and will be able to face the day in the best way. On the contrary, if they sleep badly, they will only feel more nervous and overwhelmed. Some techniques to combat insomnia are to set a stable schedule to go to bed, keep the room ventilated and at a pleasant temperature, isolated from noise and light, drink herbal teas and not watchTV or check their cell phone when they are already in bed.

6. Grounding Expectations

Many times the bride and groom are stressed by the expectations of marriage, as there is a struggle between what is real and what is ideal; between what you want and what the others expect you to do. That is why it is important to plan a celebration that fits your budget If you can't choose themed wedding decorations, for example, you can be sure that your guests won't even notice. Or if you can't afford to hire an orchestra, don't worry, you'll still have a DJ. If you manage to live up to expectations and solve your problems without drama, you'll also lower your costs.levels of nerves and anxiety.

7. Meditate

If you have not done it so far, take advantage of the time before marriage to start meditating, which will allow you to reduce stress, enhance concentration, combat insomnia and have a better ability to react, among other benefits. Through breathing techniques, contemplation or repetition of mantras, meditation is to to train the mind to bring it to a state of calm and serenity. Get into the routine of doing it every day, at least ten minutes, and you'll notice the difference. And, as you get closer and closer to getting married, you'll appreciate clearing your mind and being able to control the intrusive thoughts that come into your brain.

8. Distract yourself

Since it is not healthy to spend all day organizing the wedding, it is ideal to distract yourselves with other activities, such as going out with friends, cooking a special menu, going to the beach, enjoying a picnic, etcetera. Whether they are panoramas together or separately The important thing is to forget about the wedding preparations for a few hours, talk about other things, and connect with people who aren't necessarily your vendors. Also, don't let romance fall by the wayside, and don't let stress make you fight.

The most important thing is to enjoy the process, but to achieve this the key is to know how to lower the levels of nerves and anxiety, at least when they are already being harmful.

Evelyn Carpenter is the author of the best-selling book, All you need for your marriage. A Marriage guide. She has been married for over 25 years and has helped countless couples build successful marriages. Evelyn is a sought after speaker and relationship expert, and has been featured in various media outlets including Fox News, Huffington Post, and more.